Living Uplands




From a distance the uplands look relatively bleak and empty but when you start to examine them, spend time on them and look harder you realise they are a safe haven for many species of plants, birds, reptiles and mammals. Many species depend on the uplands for their breeding and nesting season. One particular focus of the Living Uplands project are red-listed species of birds including Lapwing, Curlew and Ring ouzel. They have all declined significantly in recent years and are now under severe threat.

It is extremely important that we learn and understand how relevant upland areas are to these species so that we can preserve and protect them for future generations. Many factors affect these areas including human activity, the weather, fluctuations in predatory animals and natural resources.


Black Grouse restoration and conservation.
Living Uplands has a particular focus on collating data in the Uplands. Collecting data over time provides an ability to consider what might be impacting across the landscape by reviewing trends and changes within the information collated.
Seventh annual Bird Count
An annual survey of bird numbers in the uplands is in its seventh year. Nature Rangers and Young Rangers from Durham Wildlife Trust joined an expert land manger to conduct the count and report on the health of birdlife in the Weardale uplands.
Building data – BTO bird count a welcome addition.
To be able to know what to improve to assure efforts are targetted and both time and money is well spent, and to be able to demonstrate improvement, it all starts with collecting as much information (data) as may be available.
FIre risk increasing
It is not just hot weather that is increasing the risk of fire in the uplands. That dry spells seem to be longer, and hotter than previously is added to the increased prevalence of deliberate fire starting. Carelessness, and thoughtlessness doesn't help.